Friday, December 22, 2006

Can you make money with your Blog?

Can you make money with your blog?

One of the reasons behind starting my blog was to see if
I could make some money while providing a service. Other
than the Google Adsense ads on my blog, I found myself

While at one of my favorite forums, where I learn a lot,, the administrator mentioned
her reviews of sites that offer pay-to-blog for advertisers.
It seemed logical, so I followed her link to her blog and read
her reviews. She had done a very brief entry of some sites
that offer a marriage between bloggers and advertisers.

I clicked on, followed the simple
registration set-up, and became a member. The way it works
is simple enough. They e-mail me a topic or task pertaining
to this blog, I write an entry on this site about the advertiser,
( pro or con ), and then I submit it. I then receive payment
into my pay-pal account.

The site,, also offers you the choice of
becoming an advertiser on that site, and to have a ad campaign.

Be sure to come back in a little while and I will have more
information on how well this venture pans out.

1 comment:

Paul Penafiel said...

Hi Bill

From my family to yours, Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Terrific New Year. Thanks for the email I really appreciate your kind words and I will be adding your blog to my list of link partners.

Keep up the good work dude, never be afraid to tell the world about what you've learned or discovered as it could help someone.

Happy Holidays !


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