Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The Shocking LIE About Internet Marketing

The reason that so many web sites are failing right now is simply this: People have been fed a big load of bull about successful Internet Marketing.
Right now, everywhere you look you'll hear the same thing...so called "gurus" telling you that all you have to do is get a bunch of "hits" to your site and you'll make more money that you ever thought possible.
It's pretty easy to buy into this theory isn't it?
I know that when I first started marketing online, I had the same "inner conversation" with myself that almost every internet "newbie" has when they get started.
The conversation sounded something like this:
"Well, let's see here...If I can get 10,000 hits to my web site...that will be pretty good.
And let's say that worst case scenario, only one half of one percent of them order.
...OK, so one half of one percent of 10,000 is fifty sales!
Wow! If my product brings me $97 per sale and I get 50 sales then I'll make $4,850.00! So...if I can just get 10,000 hits every couple of weeks, I'll be rich!
And you know what? my product is so darn good that I bet I'll get more than one half of one percent of my visitors to buy it. I bet I'll get 10% or more. This is going to be so easy!"
Have you ever had this conversation with yourself?
Poised over the calculator with dollar signs in your eyes?
Well, if you believe the "Biggest Lie About Internet Marketing" then this conversation makes perfect sense.
But I say the "Hits = Sales" theory is not entirely true. In fact, it's a load of bull! Here's why:
Hardly anyone EVER buys anything the first time they visit a website.
In fact, studies have determined that it takes a typical Internet customer an average of SEVEN visits to a web site before they buy anything...and that's assuming that you have a good offer, good credibility, and good sales copy on your web site.
So, with that fact in mind, you can see why getting a bunch of "hits" on your web site is not the answer.
If you're just depending on "hits" then you're in trouble.
Sure, you might get a few sales from hits alone but you'll have to work like a maniac just to keep enough traffic coming in to amount to anything.
And the few orders that come your way most likely won't make you enough money to be worth the hassle.
This is why so many web sites fail. They spend a small fortune to drive traffic to their web sites but the sales don't come like they expected.
So they walk away muttering about how the Internet "just doesn't work" or "it's all just a bunch of hype".
Well, a lot of information out there is just a bunch of hype.
In fact, most of the information about Internet marketing is just recycled drivel that was effective a few years ago but doesn't work now.
So...what can you do? Well, sometimes you have to...(pardon the cliche') "think outside of the box".
Bill Bowen

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